So, I was perusing other blogs using their RSS feeds and I thought - crap, no one has blogged, that's rubbish. I actually quite enjoy reading other people's blogs when I get the chance, especially Joe and Adam's as they're 13 and write some random and funny things that make me laugh.
Then I looked at my blog... well, I haven't posted for a couple of weeks so I thought I'd write an update... Looking down the previous posts I saw some humerous ones about me trying to lose weight... peaks and troughs... i'm currently in a trough although my belleh looks like a peak ;) I also saw a really nice post about the holiday me and Liz had last year which really made me smile :D
Any how, just thought I'd let anyone reading know I'm still alive! Since the last post, I'm still engaged :) Bought a lovely house (4 bedroom - blimey!) with Liz, which we're currently doing up, got two new additions to the family... Liam who is my lovely new Nephew and a brother for Nicole to play with! and Toby! our lovely dog :o) Lab X Springer. Here's a pic of Toby after I slapped my dusty hand on him after sanding a wall down... as you do.

Also just came back from a holiday with Liz and her Family to Norfolk, boating on the broads. Was great fun. Went with Liz, her parents, Hazel, Peter, Joe and Adam, and of course Toby!