Thursday, May 25, 2006

Words, glorious words...

I've noticed that in my recent posts, I've mainly been putting pictures up.... This is to satisfy my illiterete readers. However it has come to my attention that I should now devote a post to.........WORDS!!!!

So here are my word categories....

Favourite words
  1. Liz
  2. Thanks
  3. Please
  4. Well Done!
Words I like using
  1. Monkey nuts
  2. dwarf
  3. bloody wolf!
Words/Phrases I wish I used more
  1. Who have we got in the premiership this week?
  2. Do you mind if I talk? It keeps the wolf from the doors
  3. flib-a-lob
  4. Its your round
Words I don't understand
  1. Anachronism
  2. Frowzy
  3. Fussbudget
  4. Don't shoot
  5. Pass the ball
  6. Its your turn to do the washing up
Words I can never spell
  1. recieve
  2. neccessary
  3. anniversairy
  4. illiterete :oP
Words I hate
  1. Synergy
  2. Cyber-*
  3. Cricket
  4. Championship Football
  5. Alan Pardew
Words that should sound like boing when said
  1. Doing
  2. Boing

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Monday, May 22, 2006

Photo crazy!!!!!!

New lawn....

Looks different from above... if you fall over on your side...

look..... a shed!

Where you see mud, there will be lawn curvature and gravelly stones... the patio + about 1m ish will be covered in decking.... more photos to follow when I get it all back from B&Q!!!!

Photo crazy cont!!!!!!

Football boots of this quality........

.... + skill..... obtain trophies of this quality....

4-a-side football league champions! :oD

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Christening photos

Here's a selection of photos from Nicoles christening from Sunday 7th May.

Nicole, with proud Mum and Dad, and god parents (I'm on the right next to my brother who looks nothing like me, but Liz is lucky she's going out with the good looking one! :P)

Awwwwwwwww, perfect family!

She can stand!!!! Just don't let her go! ;o) KJEMHoiemhfcuaiwrhtinrwhf igreuag she's so cute!

Wanna know what i'm laughing at??? You should see what i'm looking at!!! :oP

Friday, May 19, 2006

Just because...

Hi! What you are supposed to do is copy (not forward) this entire email or paste it onto a new email that you'll send . Change all the questionnaire answers so they apply to you and then send this to a whole bunch of people, including the one who sent it to you.

1) what time did you get up this morning?

2) Diamonds or Pearls?

3) What was the last film you saw at the cinema?

4) What are your favourite TV shows?
Green Wing, Bloody Wolf and Green Wing.

5) What did you have for breakfast today?

6) What is your middle name?

7) What is your favourite cuisine?

8) What foods do you dislike?
Green peppers when fried, fish, stilton, smelly stuff

9) What is your favourite crisp flavour?
Pickled Onion

10) What is your favourite CD at the moment?
don't listen to CD's :o(

11) What kind of car do you drive?
a fast one... Astra Coupe Bertone 2.2l

12) Favourite Sandwich?
Chicken Salad

13) What characteristics do you despise?

14) What are your favourite clothes?
comfy ones!

15) A place you would like to holiday?

16) What colour is your bathroom?
Jetstream Blue!

17) Favourite brand of clothing?
I don't like brands (Nike or Adidas)

18) Where would you want to retire to?
don't care

19) Favourite time of day?

20) Where were you born?
Frimley hospital

21) Favourite sport to watch?
FOOOOOOOOOTBALL or recently, Extreme dodgeball!

22) Who do you least expect to send this back?
a 67 foot muchkin called bernard who has black hair and no eyes

23) Person you expect to send it back?
a 65 foot muchkin called julian who has blue hair and seven eyes

24) Coke or Pepsi?

25) Are you a morning person or a night owl?
night owl

26) Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with everyone?
not really

27) What did you want to be when you were little?
A vet

28) What is your best childhood memory?
can't remember

29) What are the different Jobs you have had in your life?
paper round, DIY person in a sports center, waiter in a rubbish hotel, barman in a rubbish hotel, waiter/barman in 2 good hotels, programmer for a small company, IBM monkey.

30) Nicknames?
Si boo, boo boo, Simondelia-tea-pee-brain-harry, ski-man, si.

31) Piercings?
On the very tip of my.... erm.......... none.

32) Eye Colour?

33) What colour underwear are you wearing?
white and toit

34) Been in a car accident?

35) Favourite day of the week?
day off

36) Favourite restaurant?
Casa bodega

37) Favourite flower?
yeh, right

38) Favourite ice cream

39) Favourite fast food restaurant?

40) How many times did you fail your driving test?
Once, but I'm an awesome driver now

41) Before this one, from whom did you get your last email?
Graham Spittle!!!!! We're good friends you know ;o)

42) Which store would you choose to max out your credit card in?
Reading FC online store, or B&Q sadly!

43) Bedtime?
depends how sexy I feel ;oP

44) Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm....... a clone of me

45) Last person you went to dinner with?
Liz, about 2 hrs ago!

46) What are you listening to right now?
the voices in my head......... mmmmmm voices....

47) What is your favourite colour?

48) How many tattoos do you have?
None, I dislike the idea of marking my body

49) How many people are you sending this email to?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Haven't blogged for a while.... here's whats happened...

Went to Christening... was good
Laid turf in the back garden... was good

Any questions? No? good!