Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Silverstone and guests

This weekend me and my brother, Gav, went to silverstone to watch some F3 and GT racing... awesome! It was a really great weekend. We managed to even walk out onto the pit wall and the grid! Here are a couple of photos to sum the weekend up...


We had some guests round recently... they're very rude. They stay in the loft and run around keeping us up at night... we've had to move rooms a couple of nights when they're noisy. I left a trap for them but they seem to have taken the food and forgot to shut the door behind them :( I'll reset it again tonight... Looks like they may not be squirrels after all, possibly mice?

N.B.New energy to post on blog = new template for blog.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Has it been *that* long?

So, I was perusing other blogs using their RSS feeds and I thought - crap, no one has blogged, that's rubbish. I actually quite enjoy reading other people's blogs when I get the chance, especially Joe and Adam's as they're 13 and write some random and funny things that make me laugh.

Then I looked at my blog... well, I haven't posted for a couple of weeks so I thought I'd write an update... Looking down the previous posts I saw some humerous ones about me trying to lose weight... peaks and troughs... i'm currently in a trough although my belleh looks like a peak ;) I also saw a really nice post about the holiday me and Liz had last year which really made me smile :D

Any how, just thought I'd let anyone reading know I'm still alive! Since the last post, I'm still engaged :) Bought a lovely house (4 bedroom - blimey!) with Liz, which we're currently doing up, got two new additions to the family... Liam who is my lovely new Nephew and a brother for Nicole to play with! and Toby! our lovely dog :o) Lab X Springer. Here's a pic of Toby after I slapped my dusty hand on him after sanding a wall down... as you do.

Also just came back from a holiday with Liz and her Family to Norfolk, boating on the broads. Was great fun. Went with Liz, her parents, Hazel, Peter, Joe and Adam, and of course Toby!