Thursday, May 25, 2006

Words, glorious words...

I've noticed that in my recent posts, I've mainly been putting pictures up.... This is to satisfy my illiterete readers. However it has come to my attention that I should now devote a post to.........WORDS!!!!

So here are my word categories....

Favourite words
  1. Liz
  2. Thanks
  3. Please
  4. Well Done!
Words I like using
  1. Monkey nuts
  2. dwarf
  3. bloody wolf!
Words/Phrases I wish I used more
  1. Who have we got in the premiership this week?
  2. Do you mind if I talk? It keeps the wolf from the doors
  3. flib-a-lob
  4. Its your round
Words I don't understand
  1. Anachronism
  2. Frowzy
  3. Fussbudget
  4. Don't shoot
  5. Pass the ball
  6. Its your turn to do the washing up
Words I can never spell
  1. recieve
  2. neccessary
  3. anniversairy
  4. illiterete :oP
Words I hate
  1. Synergy
  2. Cyber-*
  3. Cricket
  4. Championship Football
  5. Alan Pardew
Words that should sound like boing when said
  1. Doing
  2. Boing


Linda said...

Well wow, you do know words! I am going to check again soon for more.

Linda said...

I think you peaked too early, no more words!!!!