Sunday, July 16, 2006

Breaking news just in.......

Scientists today revealed they have acutally found the most disgusting foul smell in the world..... A few months ago Liz let one rip after a big bad 'hot and spicy' pizza. Initially, people blamed the unusual fridge smell on Liz, accusing her of locking the rather pungent wind in the empty fruit and veg tray. However, in recent days the smell has got worse to the extent that once someone opened the fridge door, neigbours were complaining of unusual rashes and that their eyes were randomly watering, so they kept asking if Liz could control her bodily functions. This increase in pressure (not gaseous pressure) made me dress up in all the neccesary breathing apparatus etc and fight the smell that had made a home in the fridge. As it turns out the culprit was a 12 year old piece of parmesan cheese.... Some non-believers still think the harmless piece of cheese only smelt bad as it soaked up all of Liz's almighty guff like a sponge.

On a less serious note.... well done on the run Liz, its a really nice thing you've done :o)


Linda said...

Simon, you really know better than to blame Liz for that smell!! Anyhow in these health conscious days why is your fruit and veg tray empty? If you wish to blame any human for the smell, I think it should be Joe. Don't forget he is the person to blame for bad smells!

Anonymous said...

who is this Joe person??

Si said...

> who is this Joe person??

.....says Mr/Ms Anonymous!!!!!!!

Liz's Nephew.