Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Catch up!

So it looks like once again I'm playing Ketchup... Lets see whats happened in the last *cough* *cough* days...

  • Dragged loads of wood back from B&Q (about £250 squids worth) and built a deck
  • Won a 5-a-side cup on 2nd June :o) Another trophy! yay!
  • Liz's birthday on 2nd June, went out in the evening for foody
  • Went to Margate to see Liz's family
  • Had a big BarBQ and party for the England v T&T footy game

So decking! Pictures to follow when its all stained (with wood stain!), but i've build a 4x3m decking in my back garden which i'm really pleased with and proud of coz it seems to be stable!!!! Still need to shape the lawn and put stones down the edges to finish the garden off. Also bought new garden furniture which was good as the other set I had were too small for the deck.

Won the 5-a-side outdoor cup for the second time in 2 years.... twas a hot day and a tiring set of games, but we played well to get to the final and then didn't play particularly well when we got there, but managed to get to penalties and won 4-3! :oD (I took the very first one... a bit a nervy but scored it)

Lizzy is 25 or 35 or something now, so we went out to a posh food place and grabbed some grub ;o) Twas nice, and she said she enjoyed herself lots which is the main thing.... and she really can eat a three course meal! ;oP

Went to Margate on a lovely sunny weekend and met Liz's parents and family who were very nice and fun. Played lots of football and learnt a lot of moves from Joe and Adam!! Friday night we went up and had a couple of beers with Liz's friends, then went back to Liz's mum and dads place... Saturday, got up and went to see lots of ugly women... *cough* cut Liz's hair and put pink in... then saw the England game against Paraguay, then had loadsa food and fun round Hazel and Peters with everyone, playing footy, table tennis and frisby... couple more beers. Sunday was a nice chill out day and drive back to soton.

Had a party for the second England game where they played poorly AGAIN!! Although they did grind out a win, phew... and had a bar-b-q on the new deck, which worked coz it didn't collapse when about 12ish people were standing on it! :oD

Well I think thats me up to date now.... I posted Liz to Corfu on Sunday second class, so she should get there on Tuesday! Dave is down this week so there'll be lots of football watching :oD and slobbing out!

*mice play*

1 comment:

Linda said...

Well at long last!! So many things have happened in the time since you last blogged!! I know Liz enjoyed the meal, and I have told everyone for ages that she can eat for England! We had fun when you were down, will do it for a second time soon! All the kids are raring to go, frisbees and football ready. I am wondering what sort of play the mice are going to get up to? Not sure Liz will like being called the Cat though!!! All we need now are the pictures of the deck, although I have seen them midget sized on the camera, it would be nice to see them human size. Keep going Simon!!