We've taken out the toilet and sink from the downstairs loo, put up new coving, prepped the walls with loads of plaster, filler and lots of sanding, put new isolation valves on the pipes (compression joints) ripped up the new floor, layed a new ceramic floor, put plaster coving up (one of the most irritating jobs I've ever undertaken as the walls are by no means square :oS) and painted lots of white paint everywhere as an undercoat. Liz's Dad, Terry, was great help with the DIY when he and Liz's Mum, Linda, came over to stay for a few days. Linda did lots of gardening and weeding and stuff with Liz when us men were grunting and doing manly things like plumbing.
So, that's what We've done so far. We still need to give another undercoat, especially over the new plaster, followed by the actual colour coat! tbd, install the new loo and sink, with plumbing and taps, new mirror, and wall tiles by the sink, then some other bits and bobs like glossing and stuff.
I thought today about a possible project: To convert the back of the garage to a fun bit of space. The bit I'm talking about is about 3m x 2.5m... As you can see from the detailed drawing below, It will contain, shelves to but beers on, a beer fridge, a pool table, a few stools, a dart board and a pool table light thing. It's gonna be fun :o) Now I just need to convince Liz... hmmm I'll tell her about the beer fridge first I think :oD

Did you only have one crayon when you did the diagram?
Quite a good idea, as long as the dog doesn't want the area back!! Mind you would be a good kennel for when you are a naughty boy!!
did you do the diagram yourself?
Adam: Yep, did it in mspaint :o)
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