Friday, June 30, 2006

Stupid thing

Copy and paste into the comment box,and fill in the answers...

» I committed suicide:
» I said I loved you:
» I kissed you:
» I lived next door to you:
» I started smoking:
» I stole something:
» I was hospitalized:
» I ran away from home:
» I got into a fight and you weren't there:

» Personality:
» Eyes:
» Hair:
» Clothes:
» Self:

» How have I affected you?
» What do you think of me?

» What's the fondest memory you have of me?
» How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
» Have I ever hurt you?
» Would you hug me?
» Would you kiss me?
» Are we close?
» On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?
» Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
» Am I loveable?
» What was your first impression?
» What do you think my weakness is?
» What about me makes you happy?
» What about me makes you sad?
» What reminds you of me?
» What's something you would change about me?


Linda said...

» I committed suicide: Go to the funeral and say what a shame!
» I said I loved you: run
» I kissed you: run
» I lived next door to you: Move or put up with your incessant couples of beer!
» I started smoking: Tell you what an idiot you are
» I stole something: Say it is bad, depends on the value I suppose
» I was hospitalized: Send fruit and a card
» I ran away from home:tell your parents
» I got into a fight and you weren't there: most probably think you were stupid to get in that position

» Personality: Good
» Eyes: Big and Dark
» Hair: What hair!
» Clothes: Casual
» Self: Friendly
» How have I affected you? Very friendly and treat my daughter well.
» What do you think of me? Very likeable and considerate

» What's the fondest memory you have of me? Frisbee
» How long do you think we will be friends or enemies? Hopefully a long time
» Have I ever hurt you? No
» Would you hug me? If necessary
» Would you kiss me? Not normally
» Are we close? No
» On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? 8
» Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. Cheeky Monkey because you are!
» Am I loveable? Depends what way you mean
» What was your first impression? Good friendly person
» What do you think my weakness is? sometimes need a push in the confidence stakes
» What about me makes you happy? Pleasing my daughter
» What about me makes you sad? Nothing
» What reminds you of me? Bananas
» What's something you would change about me? That vile stubble!

Anonymous said...

» I committed suicide:
Grab first dibs on your iPod

» I said I loved you:
Say thank you

» I kissed you:
Depends where

» I lived next door to you:
Buy a dog, and flick the poo into your garden

» I started smoking:
Wait until you were really stressed and hide your cigarettes

» I stole something:
Depends if you stole something from me

» I was hospitalized:
Bring you grapes - but NOT the seedless ones ... mohahaha

» I ran away from home:
Become a squatter in your house

» I got into a fight and you weren't there:
Ask for any photo evidence of you recollection

» Personality:
Fun and to the point

» Eyes:
Sometimes I think, 'stop looking at me'

» Hair:
I think you should go bald sometime to know if you are truely suited to having hair

» Clothes:
Yeah, keep them on

» Self:
"think about my self" - that changes the question altogether

» How have I affected you?
I need to go to confession twice a week

» What do you think of me?
Very friendly and a good friend

» What's the fondest memory you have of me?
Guiding Yasser in his football training - classic

» How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?
About 10 minutes. Maybe I should apologise in advance to soften the impact.

» Have I ever hurt you?
Not yet.

» Would you hug me?
Only if a) something tragic happened and you needed support, b) you won the lottery

» Would you kiss me?
Depends where

» Are we close?
About 5 metres

» On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I? To friends, 8, to enemies 5, to strangers 3. How many times have I said, "you don't believe in hell do you?"

» Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
I shall name thee 'Simon'. What do you mean that name is taken?

» Am I loveable?
Yeah baby!

» What was your first impression? Can't remember.

» What do you think my weakness is? Kryptonite - duh!

» What about me makes you happy?
The quick whitted responses

» What about me makes you sad?
The quick whitted responses directed at me

» What reminds you of me?
That squirrel on the Hursley grounds. You know the one, its always playing with its nuts.

» What's something you would change about me?
Don't fix what's broken - that way, you can wash your hands with getting blamed for making it worse.

Linda said...

Good answers from Martin, why didn't I think of them...............trying to be nice I suppose!